Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another Chapter in Northern Ireland - October 7/10

Stone Church outside Carrowdore
Cafe Bar in an Entry - small side street in Belfast

Our latest adventures took us up the North Coast of Northern Ireland.  It was a beautiful drive with gorgeous views on every turn.  

View of Whitepark Bay from our B & B
This was too funny!  Sheep on the main street in Ballintoy.  Here they are behind us.

Here the sheep have gone around us and moving on! Note the man and his son and their dog herding them. 
Carrick-A-Rede Rope Bridge - 20 m. across, 30 m.down
Dave on the bridge - it used to be used by fishermen who went across to the island to where the salmon ran so they had easier access to catch them
Looking down from the cliffs onto The Giant's Causeway

This is an amazing natural site, visited by thousands of tourists each year.  It is the result of volcanic eruptions right out of the sea and the columns were formed as the basalt cooled.  
Dave standing on some of the basalt columns which push up out of the sea. 

A beautiful beach near Ballycastle

A surfer outside GlenAriff

LittleLea - Childhood home of C.S.Lewis (Belfast)

We spent a Sunday afternoon doing a C.S.Lewis Tour in Belfast.  Most people think of C.S.Lewis, the author of the Narnia Tales, as coming from Oxford in England but he was born and raised in Belfast.  Both sets of grandparents lived there as well.  One grandfather was a ship builder and the other was a Church of Ireland Rector.  The guide who did the tour was so knowledgeable about the life of Lewis and his various writings.  It was a delightful afternoon. 
View of LittleLea with view of attic windows
Lamp post along the driveway to Campbell College
Campbell College in Belfast - where C.S. Lewis went to school as a boy

Door Handle on Rectory at St. Marks Dundela, home of the Maternal Grandparents of C.S.Lewis
St. Mark's Dundela where Lewis' grandfather was the rector

Belfast Sculpture of the Wardrobe and Digory - from the Narnia Tales

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