Saturday, September 11, 2010

One week and the sun is shining

Primary School in Gray Abbey

Gray Abbey

Today is one week since I arrived to join Dave here in Northern Ireland.  We have been
A stately house outside Millisle, on the coast
 doing small trips each evening and it isn't far to find interesting places and history.  Even I am driving now and most times I manage to find my way, but yesterday in Newtownards I got so lost.  I need to study the map a bit more or I can see the same thing happening again. 
We drove through Killyleagh and through to Downpatrick where we had dinner in an inn build in the 1600's.   I've added a few photos as they give a good sense of some of what we are seeing.  .  Hope all is well in your worlds. 
Cheers,  Marion 
Street in Gray Abbey
Hotels along the waterfront in Bangor
A Country Lane just outside Carrowdore

Pasture at the end of our street
By the sea in Ballywalter

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